Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Doily Paper oh Doily Paper


Makin menjadi - jadi plak fia neh... udey jatuh cinta with Doily paper plak... 

dulu ingat Doily paper untuk buat alas kek, beskot, bauhulu ke, 
yang jual kek sepotong tu ke.. 

Tapi.. uper2 yer leh buat macam - macam kat Doily paper neh... heeeee

~~~~~~~~~ Sesi temu ramah Doily Paper~~~~~~~~

macam mana rupe Doily paper ni?? 

source : en. Google yang Mantop~~~

okey biasa u'all akan jumpe Doily paper warna puteh kan?? 

Doily paper sekarang boleh jumpe dengan macam2 kaler.... wahhhhhhhh makin meriah la 
Doily Paper kan.. Doily paper warna warni fia terjumpe di 

siap boleh DIY lagi ~~~ Jom refer step by step juneberry-lane.blogspot.com

~ A bowl or baking dish (I used a Pyrex baking dish)
~ White paper doilies (found at Michael's or Jo Anne's)

~ Food coloring ~ Ooo.. Boleh pakai pewarna yang buat kek2 tu... heeee 
~ Paper towels
~ Rubber gloves

1.) Fill the baking pan or bowl with only enough water to cover the doilies – this is key, because you need the food coloring to be very concentrated. You will need to use quite a lot of food coloring. My first two or three attempts were failures (I had too much water in my dish and not enough food coloring). After I dumped out most of the water, and really poured in a lot of dye, it worked nicely.

2.) Submerge the doily in the dish/bowl for a few seconds (10 or 15 seconds is sufficient). I started to get bolder toward the end of this craft and I left them in for longer, just to see.

3.) Gently take them out of the dish and lay them on a paper towel to dry. They are very fragile, so use caution when you take them out of the pan.

4.) Blot them dry right away with another paper towel very gently. Set aside to dry. (I laid mine out on a table, underneath a ceiling fan, and they dried very quickly).

If you don’t want your fingers to turn green or blue or purple, like mine did, use rubber gloves to take the doilies out of the dye. Also, this craft is a paper towel hog; you will want to have lots of paper towels handy.

This is definitely a kid friendly activity, except it might take kids (depending on how old they are) a couple of tries to get the doily out of the dye without tearing it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hasil - hasil kecomelan Doily Paper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Source: Puan Google yang Gojes~~
Seeee Boleh transform jadi bunga kan... bunga telur pun boleh.. bunga pahar pun boleh~~ 

Doily paper boleh gantung2~~ gantung kat khemah ke, gantung kat backdrop pelamin ke.. kuikui

Doily paper boleh letak kat kad~~ print je kad.. paper pakai glossy yang tebal ckit.. pastu tampal je doily paper.. hohoho soooo nice... boleh buat diy kad sendiri... ~~

Source: Puan Google yang Gojes~~
Seeee Boleh transform jadi lampu ~~ so nice tak???? 

Source: Puan Google yang Gojes~~
Doily paper pun boleh letak kat brown paper... sekarang tengah trend brown paper as a doorgift.. heeeee 

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kesimpulan si Doily Paper~~~~~~~~~~

Hoyehhhhhhhh~~~ Doily paper Best!!!! 
Fia dah terpikat dengan Doily paper dah.. haiya... Doily paper mesti masuk dalam list gak nie.. heee 

Best kan kalo sesuatu yang dihasilkan amat cantik & puas sebab DIY sendiri.. 
sooo... u'all akan terasa terharu nanti bile orang..

'eh comel yer doorgift nie..' 
'alamak... cantik giler kad kawen hang'
'Fuiyoooo.. rajin betul tampal2 & gunting Doily paper' 

heeeeeeeeeeeee.. sekarang ni bergantung pada diri sendiri..
~~Bersemangat & Sabar untuk hasilkan sesuatu~~ 

Regards~ Fia (^_^)


Unknown said...

fia.. nak cari doily paper ada kat pasar chowkit,sebelah kedai barangan perkahwinan kedai vivian.. die jual sepeket ada 200 kpg rm6.. warna putih je yg ada.. ayeen warnakan sendiri..mahal sikit tp kertas die berkualiti..kene air x mudah rosak.. so x bazir la doily paper tu..

Fia Menulis cengini said...

ayeen ~~~ ahakkk.. kat chowkit eh?? yahoooo... dah leh spot tempat nak pi cari kat mane... tenkiuuu dear... fia jumpe doily paper pun kat daiso.. time tu nak guna ckit je.. heee yup2 ingat kalo sempat nak diy kaler ikut hati.. kuikui kalo sempat la... heeee

Anonymous said...

salam.hi, yong new blogger.hehe. kat tmpat yong, ada jual doily paper rm1.90 for 250pcs.. di kedai borong din alor star,kedah..murah kan?yong beli aritu, guna sikit je masa tunang. tgk ada mcm2 kegunaan doily paper ni, terasa mcm nk buat bunga telur plak utk kenduri bulan 8 ni.hehehe

Saya E.R.N.I. said...

sis farhain azmi..kedai borong din tu ktne?boleh bg address... :)

Anonymous said...

Erniey: org kedah juga ke? kalau di kedah, ada kat a.star. kedai borong din tu bersebelahan dgn kamdar. kedai tu nampak kecik je dari luar. sederet dgn kedai karpet dan kedai hantaran rainbow..

fieda_faz said...

farhain doily paper 2 mcm2 color ka ada?

Anonymous said...

fieda_faz: setahu sy, ada kaler putih je